Wednesday 28 November 2012

SIX Years~~

Gosh how time flies... 1 more month to 6 years~~
Everyone around me would give me the same reactions: " OMG, 6 years!!  R U kidding me?"
Sometimes me myself would wonder how we actually go through this 6 years! ^______^
Not too long, but neither too short I Guess~~

9 years back~~
We began everything with pen pal relationship (I know it sounds so conservative but it is still cool to me!)
First time meeting up after 2 years...
Brought by me into Starbucks with zero expectations on the price of the expensive coffee... (can't stop laughing when recalled this, hahaha)
Everything started so naturally after that and TA DA.... 
We were officially together~~~

Ups and Downs, Sweet, Hurts, and tonnes of memories...
Tolerations, Honesty and Trust are essential in maintaining a relationship...
Not too easy, but neither too difficult~~

Most of the time we are far apart ...
Many problems happened...
God issues a great challenge to us I Guess...
I believe we can conquer this arduous journey since we had take Him up on His challenge 6 years ago...

You are insecure with this relationship, but U know what...
You are perfect in my eyes, mind and even heart...

Every couple needs to argue now and then. Just to prove that the relationship is strong enough to survive. Long- term relationships, the ones that matter, are all about weathering the peaks and valley.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Great friend from Somalia

Is feeling awesome meeting back one of my coolest coursemate from Somalia yesterday!
Usually, we would just had some normal chit chatting on our daily life and also on some research stuff.

But, yesterday, our conversations were slightly different

Him: "Hei, you slim down a lot, what happened to you? You had intense exercise or had a bad illness? It seems the latter one!" (His eyes were big while asking me all these questions! @___@)

Me: "I'm doing quite intense exercise recently and for sure I'm very healthy. Do I look that weak and terrible har?" (answer very emotionally as many people asking me the same things)

Him: " hahaha, eat more OK? You are too slim! Is there someone saying that you are fat?"

Me: " Ya, EVERYONE said I'm fat!  =________________="

Him: " Are they crazy or what? Don't listen to them! Just eat more, don't be too slim, you looks good previously!" (Touched ^______^)

Me: " I'm feeling good now, no worries. Let's go for hiking or jogging together, I guess I have quite good stamina somehow. lol! "

Him: "hahaha."

OMG, seriously I was touched!! Although we do not meet so often , but for sure everything he told me was supportive and great enough. Appreciate it! 

To him: Thanks for being a great friend! But, I will not listen to U this time in eating more lar!!! I'm feeling awesome in getting fitter (not getting slimmer)!Wohoo.. 

Sunday 4 November 2012


"today u girls free a?wanna outing together?" Received a message from one of my buddies this morning that light up my day~~

3 of us decided to hang out at Aeon just to "chui chui sui". While walking around, we saw a counter that provide free body fat analysis. Without any doubt, we just walked to the counter and requested for the free test. We were then comparing and sharing our body fat, muscle mass, BMI, biological age, bla bla bla results just like nobody else exist there. (sometimes I do admit we were like aunty!!haha) 
This is the good thing we had as no secrets and nothing to shame of although the results we got were quite "mensiasuikan". 

We then went into an outlet selling clothes. My friend with sexy short hair was kept telling me" When you go Taiwan next year har, help me buy this colour of pants, that pattern of shirts." From one section to another, she was keep repeating on these. A good looking promoter came and said " 2 pants were only RM80" and this cute friend of mine straight told me " Wei, Go buy at Taiwan la, there cheaper and a lot choices lar" ----- totally ignoring the promoter. This pity man was only smiling "hahaha" to reduce the awkward moment. I quickly pulled 2 of them out from the outlet while laughing on this adorable friend's attitude.

After that, we went to this cafe 1986 for some tea. The environment is good but the drinks I ordered was awful @_@. Chatime or Starbucks are definitely better lar! We had some story happened here too. The other crazy friend with long curly hair complained "your drinks did not taste good!" when the owner stood beside of us. Another gawky moment appeared again. (V___V'''') The other two of us were like comforting the owner by saying "the drinks taste good, don't worry, no problem" (but in the heart I was like saying your drinks are sucks!). Phew~~~~~~ We then carry on with our table talk moment with all the aunty personalities and attitudes back ...gagaga

Lucky to have both crazy and adorable babey around me. I feel the trueness in you girls =)

Wednesday 31 October 2012


Today was the first time I tasted the real Grapefruit~~
While eating it, I had this in my mind~~~~

Am relating the nature of Grapefruit to our real life~~

Grapefruit does not possess its own shape, colour or even texture as it is so similar to orange from outlook and pomelo from the inner part~~
So do people in this world!!!
Some peoples are trying so damn hard to imitate others and do not realize that they had lost their own personality~
I do agree if U admire but not Imitating them!!
Just be yourself and be proud to born this way!

Grapefruit tasted a little bit of sour and bitter ~~
To me, it was like the combination of orange and bitter gourd (is a bad combination thou!!)
Our life will not stay sweet and steady just like how we wish ~~
We need to had a little bit of sour and bitter experiences in order to make our life more challenging and fun~~
Never give up and don't ask why because every situation does not need an answer. I'm a firm believer that I don't worry about anything I can't control. 
Eric Davis

p/s: after all, I do not really like this so call grapefruit thingy~~haha

Monday 29 October 2012


I wish I'm competent enough
I wish I could end all this and leave this place soon 
I wish I could live the way I want
I wish someday I could backpack and travel around
I wish~~ I wish~~ I wish~~

Get rid of all the hesitation!!!
Get your feet off the Ground! 
Move on and make all these wishes come true~~

Sunday 28 October 2012


Words were the most powerful tool. Simple and so often underestimated. They could heal. They could destroy. And I needed to use my words now.” 

― Jennifer Armentrout

This beautiful quote was the reason why I started to Blog ~
Realising that using my words here would be awesome I guess!

Well, facing so much of dilemma recently makes me like....... 
All these happened just because of the spoken words from peoples around me~
Criticism could heal but also might ruin someone~ 

So Sick of the insincerity but after all we still need to move on and on~

By realizing your incompetence, you can either delegate or abdicate the duties~

DELEGATE them and be the winner!